BananaRama 2025
Three different days with 2 workshops each day. 1-3 pm and 6-8 pm
$25 per person for each workshop (ages 12 and up)
Limit: 15 people in each workshop.
Call or stop in to sign up. No sign-ups online.
- Wednesday, April 16: Make Banana Inspired Jewelry with Marti Levy
- Wednesday, April 23: Paint a Banana Inspired Work
- Wednesday, April 30: Make a 3-D Banana Inspired Work
- April 22-30: Artwork due for the exhibit (framed and ready to hang or
display) - Entry fee: $10 per artwork (up to 3 pieces, any media)
- May 3-17: Exhibit open to the public
- May 19-31: Pick up artwork from exhibit
RECEPTION and FUNraiser Silent Auction
- Saturday, May 10, 1-3 pm
- $20 per person/ $ 35 for two
- Includes: Exhibit, Silent Auction, Food, make your own banana split and
2025 Schedule
Sept. 7 – Oct. 26, 2024: LitArtUre
Come see this free exhibit of art created by local artists representing a literary book or character. Also on display will be dolls, action figures, and books representing characters from literature on loan from members of the Battle Creek Area Doll Club.
Free reception Sunday, Sept. 8, 2-4 pm.
April-May Exhibition: Bill Williams
William (Bill) M. Williams is the featured artist with an exhibit of 80 plus artworks from April 6 to May 25th. Bill, who works in oils, is a nationally know sports artist. This exhibit will include some of his sports art but also will show some of his portraits as well as some of his work featuring painted quilts. Have one more photo of quilts that I’ll send separately as it’s too big.
Jubilee Silent Auction
The Art Center continues to celebrate it’s 75 years in this community with a fun Fundraiser. Our Jubilee Silent Auction will take place on Saturday, April 13th from 4-7 pm at the Art Center. Come enjoy great food and get a chance to bid on some interesting and fun items! All funds go to support the Art Center’s many programs. You can bid on art work, services and fun combinations baskets–all with a creative flair! Admission is $10 at the door.
The Art of Henry Dunklin
February 6-24, 2024
Sunday, February 11
2-4 pm
Continuing the Art Center’s Community Hidden Talent series
Ritual Remnants: Artifacts from the Ancient City of Teotihuacán
Artefactos de la Antigua Ciudad de Teotihuacán
February 10-March 30, 2024
Curated by Donna Avina, Anthropology Major, and Prentiss M. Brown, Honors Program, Albion College
Items on loan from Kingman Collections
Class Act 2024
Class Act: Kindergarten through High School Art Show
March 9-30, 2024
Please join us for the Elementary School Reception on March 10, 2024 from 2-4 pm.
Please join us for the Middle/High School Reception on March 24, 2024 from 2-4 pm.
The Art of Recovery
January 6 – January 27, 2024
This month’s Art Center exhibit, “The Art of Recovery,” features the work of Rev. Sue Trowbridge and artists from the Haven of Rest. The Art of Recovery opens Saturday, January 6th from 2-4 and continues to January 27. The exhibit is free and is open Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday from 11 am to 3 pm.
Annual Holly Mart 2023
November 4 – December 23, 2023
It’s that time of the year again! Join us this winter season to celebrate our annual Holly Mart. This year, the Holly Mart theme is “Put your art on!”. We aim to provide a unique place for Michigan artists to showcase their works and offer them a chance to exhibit their creations from this year. Holly Mart will be open to the public from November 4 to December 23. Our current hours are Tuesday through Thursday and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Our gift shop and first gallery will be filled to the brim with unique, one-of-a-kind items such as paintings, ceramics, glass art, photography, drawings, jewelry, and much more!
Art of Soul: Curated by Teaira Gray
This month’s Art Center exhibit, “Art of Soul,” features seven talented local black artists and was curated by Teaira Gray.
Featured Artists: Teaira Gray (Wisterni), Jamari Taylor (Jaylei Art), Escada “Darklord” Gordon, Aerick Burton, Shaquona Espinoza, Dani Lew, & Jaziel Pugh.
The exhibit runs from August 5th to 26th, with a reception on Sunday, August 13th from 3-5 p.m.
Come see their fantastic work!
Summer Art Camp: It’s a Bugs Life
The Art Center of Battle Creek is pleased to offer an opportunity for kids to explore the visual arts, with hands-on activities during the summer months.
Kids enrolled in the Summer Art Camp will explore our world of bugs and get the opportunity to create their own using a wide variety of media including clay, sculpture, drawing, painting, and more all taught by art educators and artists.
While we have two Summer Art Camps listed, we ask participants to sign up for only one camp as we have to limit the number of students that can attend each camp.
Camp 1
August 8-10, 2023
Time: 10 a.m – 3 p.m
Cost: $60 (Members) / $75 (Non-Members) (all supplies included)
Ages 1st – 5th grade
(camp size limited to 12 campers in each session)
Camp 2
August 15-17, 2023
Time: 10 a.m – 3 p.m
Cost: $60 (Members) / $75 (Non-Members) (all supplies included)
Ages 1st – 5th grade
(camp size limited to 12 campers in each session)
Summer Art Camps Include:
- A chance to explore a variety of fun ways to create art in 3 days and 15 hours of fun!
- The opportunity to combine their art creations with written or oral stories to enhance their experience and creativity!
- Lunch break: Kids bring their own sack lunch, with drinks & snacks provided.
Registration Guidelines:
- Registrations are accepted by phone or in person.
- Deadline to register is July 22, 2023
For more information, please call the Art Center of Battle Creek: (269) 962-9511
75 Artists Exhibit
To celebrate the Art Center of Battle Creek’s 75th Anniversary we are hosting an exhibit open to the public to participate in!
We would also like to work with 75 local businesses in the area who are interested in supporting artists and the Art Center by hosting their artwork in their businesses. We want to help foster a community that values art and each other!
Class Act Is Back!
Class Act: Kindergarten through High School Art Show
March 4-25, 2023
Please join us for the Elementary School Reception on March 3, 2023 from 2-4 pm.
Please join us for the Middle/High School Reception on March 19, 2023 from 2-4 pm.
November 5 – December 23, 2022
The Art Center of Battle Creek will be holding an exhibit of Laura Gould‘s work from November 5 to December 23. Her work is presented through various of mediums, even luggage, with many pieces for sale! Please feel free to stop in and take a look at her amazing work, before the end of the year!
November 5 – December 23, 2022
It’s that time of year again, join us this winter season to celebrate our annual Holly Mart! This years Holly Mart theme will be “Kaleidoscope”, with hopes that we can not only provide a unique place for Michigan artists to showcase their works, but also a place that offers a kaleidoscope of genres of art! Holly Mart will be open to the public from November 5 through December 23, with our current hours Tuesday through Thursday and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
We are always looking for new artists local to Michigan to join Holly Mart. We will start accepting items beginning October 15 to the 30. If you are an artist who would like to be apart of this year’s Holly Mart, please feel free to contact The Art Center of Battle Creek!
September 24 – October 29, 2022
The Art Center of Battle Creek will host from September 24 through October 29 a special exhibit to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Works from local Michigan artists Xenia Rose Schafer, Fausto Fernandez, and Coco Sweezy depicting their wonderful culture and heritage! Please Join us for their reception on September 24 from 4-7 p.m. to celebrate their amazing artwork.
September 8 – October 31, 2022
The Art Center of Battle Creek will host from September 8 through October 31 two special exhibits – The Holocaust Unfolds: Reports from Detroit Jewish News and From Darkness to Light: Mosaics Inspired by Tragedy – a response to the deadly Pittsburgh shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue. An opening reception will be held September 18 coinciding with the premier of the PBS Ken Burns documentary, The U.S. and the Holocaust. Click here for more information.
2022 Exhibits
May 10 to June 25: Four Corners exhibit of photography from KCC Digital Photography Students
July 16: Kids’ Art Fair 10 am to 2 pm
July 5-August 27: The Art of the Skateboard
September 8-October 31: The Holocaust Unfolds: Reports from the Detroit Jewish News and News Chronicle, a national traveling exhibition
Spring 2021: Art Has “A Peel”
It’s time to have some fun! Use you imagination and create a work of art (or 2) that incorporates fruit or vegetables in some way. The sky is the limit – except no real fruit or vegetables!
No entry fee. Categories from ages 4 and up, as well as families. Work due between march 30 and April 10. Exhibit will be on display April 13 – May 26, 2021. Need inspiration? Come see our “Pre” A Peel exhibit March 2-30.
2020 Exhibits
(Dates subject to change)
February 6-29: Art Center Student/Faculty Exhibit
March 8-28: Class Act: Elementary through High School Art– the only venue in Calhoun County featuring artwork from Kindergarten through 12th Grade from area schools and the CISD area. MORE INFO
April 9-May 30: Journey to Freedom Anniversary Exhibit-Anniversary of the 2002 Journey to Freedom Celebration in Battle Creek. In honor of Velma Laws Clay featuring artwork from the collection of Velma Laws Clay and Vivian Laws Ritter. ALSO: Art and Soul Kids in the Back Gallery in partnership with Art and Soul Dreams-Every Child is a Work of Art.
June 4-July 25: Past in the Present: Ancient and Medieval History Right Here in Battle Creek– organized by KCC Professor Liz Neumeyer features the architecture of downtown Battle Creek-Willard, Miller-Stone, St. Philip and St. Thomas. Collaboration with the Historical Society of Battle Creek and Kellogg Community College.
July 14-16: Kids Summer Camp
July 18: Kids Art Fair held in the Art Center’s parking lot. Free event with activities for all ages.
August 18-22: Mega Artarama Sale held in the Art Center’s galleries. Great bargains on lots of artwork and art supplies.
September-October: The Holocaust Unfolds: Reports from the Detroit Jewish News and News Chronicle
November and December: Work by Local Well-Known Artists and Educators: Craig Bishop and Dallas Shoesmith
November and December: Holly Mart: annual holiday sale featuring work of all kinds and prices by over 100 Michigan artists.